
Aims and Objectives

The aim of Little Jimmy’s Pre-school is to provide a warm and happy and enabling environment in which young children can learn and play. The routine of the day includes free and structured play to enable basic learning skills to be developed.

Children are encouraged in independent skills and given an opportunity to learn a variety of social activities to comply with the desirable outcome for children’s learning as outlined in the school curriculum and assessment authority. Working with many different teaching aids e.g., Toys, games, and outdoor apparatus, we concentrate on the seven areas of development:

Prime Areas

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Personal, Social & Emotional

Focusing on children learning to work alone or in small groups co-operating together and helping to develop their independence skills. This is achieved by using educational resources, games, jigsaws, interest tables and dressing up etc. During snack, lunch and circle time, children are encouraged to socialize and listen to each other. Independent personal hygiene is spoken about and encouraged.
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Communication & Language

In small and large groups children are encouraged to share their experiences, interests, and hobbies either through talking or singing. Language skills are developed through storytelling, nursery rhymes, topics, pictures, and games.
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Physical Development

Using a variety of apparatus, we combine the vital ingredients of fun and fitness. Under close supervision children are introduced to physical skills both indoors and outdoors through play, musical movement, climbing, balancing, jumping, ball throwing and catching, bicycles, cars, and slides.

Specific Areas


Basic writing skills are introduced; examples of the children’s work are kept in folders and are available for parents /carers to see. Examples of the children’s work are also displayed where possible.


Through various media, children have the opportunity to explore their own ideas and creativity. They are encouraged to join in with free arts and craft sessions, playing musical instruments, dance, and imaginative play.


Children are encouraged to talk about their home lives and everyday experiences. Interest tables and topic work will help extend this knowledge to a broader base. They are introduced to new cultures, religions, and festivals by means of food tasting, dressing-up and role play.


Basic mathematical equipment and toys are used to encourage children to recognise everyday shapes. Craft activities enhance these learning skills. Children will become familiar with number rhymes, songs, stories, counting games and counting everyday objects, in addition to using different size puzzles. Opportunity is given to children who are ready to record numbers and pictures by colouring in shapes etc.

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