About Us

We are Little Jimmy's Preschool

Little Jimmy’s Pre-school is a non-denominational group. It was formally known as St. Clare’s Day Nursery, which was founded by the Franciscan Sisters and has been established since 1968. In July 1999 the Convent premises at Harold Road closed its doors and the pre-school moved to its present site at St James Church Hall in Tower Road and was no longer run by the sisters.

The Pre-school remains a charity but is now a committee run group. The Committee consists of past and present parents / carers who are elected at the Annual General Meeting. The pre-school is a non-profit making organization; all the money received through fees and fundraising etc. is ploughed back into the pre-school.

For the pre-school to continue with its present ethos, the involvement and support of the parents / carers is essential. We hold parent’s meetings during the academic year, the aim of which is to inform the parents of their child’s progress and give parents the opportunity to put forward their ideas and opinions and share their child’s home achievements with their key person.

The pre-school endeavours to provide new information and answer any questions parents may have. We also invite parents into the pre-school at various times during the year to celebrate special events such as Christmas, sports day, and leavers concerts where once again the children’s achievements are celebrated with their families.

Working together can help develop the future running of the pre-school for your child. Please support our fundraising events and attend any meetings that are held.

What we offer

  • We provide the children with a varied, balanced, and nutritious snack twice a day.
  • Morning snack usually consists of, a selection cereal, crumpets, pancakes, toast with a topping of jam or butter, waffles with toppings, yoghurts, a wide selection of fruit, milk and water
  • Afternoon snack usually consists of breadsticks and dips, vegetable sticks with dip, a selection of biscuits, pan au choc rolls, ice lollies, pitta breads with humous, yoghurts, Malt loaf, cheese and crackers, soups, noodles, again with a wide variety of fruit and vegetables at every snack time and milk and water.

Milk and water are available for all children throughout their session. We also encourage parents to bring a water bottle in for their child which they have independent access to throughout the session.

We aim to be inclusive of all allergies and work with our parents to help do this, which is why it is incredibly important to inform us of any allergy or intolerance your child may have, old or new.

  • We also incorporate special celebrations into our food preparation which inspires us too use foods from different cultures and celebrations as possible and show the children different ways of life through food and drinks.
  • Snack is 50p per session for each child which is invoiced Termly at the start of each term.
  • The parent has the option to pay this invoice in full, or split into 3 more affordable payments on set dates.
  • The app we use is ZOHO Invoicing
  • In some cases when the weather is warm, we get the children an ice cream or ice lolly and add milkshake powder to the milk. Vice versa when it is cold, we will offer a small portion of hot cocoa as a treat which the children love to do.

We do cooking with the children if you can do a bit about this because the children absolutely love doing this!

  • Cooking costs each child £1 per week
  • They will all participate in the cooking throughout the week- Monday- Friday
  • The money asked for will provide the ingredients needed to do the cooking and cover other running costs.
  • The children learn great life skills through doing the cooking such as mathematical skills, social skills, listening skills and independence of learning and following instructions.
  • We adapt the instructions as per the age groups to make the difficulty acquired to the right stage of the children’s development. (younger children is more easier use of picture cards and more adult help-the older child we can use written words and picture cards and less help to encourage them to be independent and ask).
  • A cooking plan is sent out termly to parents to let them know what we will be cooking.
  • This will be started up again this September due to not being allowed to do it throughout COVID.
  • To give an insight we will use such events like, Halloween, Christmas, Firework night, EID, Burns night, Valentines day to help planning what to cook for the children to take home to their parents.

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