
Parents/carers are encouraged to visit the Pre-school before their child starts in order to meet the staff and see the pre-school in operation.
A delegated member of staff talks with the parents and explains the pre-school policies etc. and gives them the opportunity to share personal concerns or to ask questions about the pre-school.
On the child’s first day parents are welcome to settle their child in and stay for a while, we do however recommend that the child is left even if this is only for a short period of time.
Children starting at the preschool are recommended to take a minimum of 2 sessions. Should a child become very distressed, parents / carers will be contacted. All children will be accepted subject to a trial period of 4 weeks tailored to the specific needs of the child, this will be reviewed and discussed with the parents / carers as necessary

At Little Jimmy’s inclusion is meant in the widest sense, to incorporate everybody who accesses our preschool. We believe, children have the right to grow up and learn, in an environment free from prejudice and without discrimination.
We endeavour to celebrate a range of festivals and activities, which promote awareness and understanding of all our diversities. As practitioners we understand how our words and actions can affect the attitudes and opinions of the children in our care with this in mind, we model acceptable behaviour and build the children’s confidence and self-esteem, through praise and encouragement. All our staff are committed in promoting equality, and regularly undergo extra training to help and support the care they give to your child.

Special Needs
In the event of the pre-school being asked to accommodate a child with special needs, discussion would be undertaken with Parent / Carers to validate the suitability of the provision available.
Should any child give cause for concern regarding educational and / or developmental progress, our SENCO will speak with Parent / Cares and decide on an appropriate cause of action following the guidelines laid down in the code of practice on the identification of assessment of special education needs.
Please make the preschool aware of any medical conditions or special needs your child may have. We have a special educational needs coordinators (SENCO) assigned to work with children with special needs.